Wallidug Tea Bar

Wallidug Tea Bar is a mixology tea bar featuring a rotating floral-inspired experimental menu and blooming teas. Their core insight is "Blend. Steep. Bloom." 
This is no coffee shop: where you come in, open your laptop, caffeinate, and leave.
Wallidug encourages guests to sample from exciting blends and then to linger over conversation and small plates. The goal is that guests' conversation may bloom.
"Wally Dug" is Scottish slang for an ornamental china dog, the kind often featured in pairs in tea shops in Britain. I chose this pair to be the inspiration for the naming of my restaurant concept. 
In branding Wallidug, I crafted a system of "lyrical scribbles" to symbolize the evolving, experimental nature of the tea bar: Old world charm meets mixology. Additionally, I chose to make sure that all of my collateral "bloomed" like the teas that serve as the cornerstone of the restaurant. I incorporated inventive folds in the menu, gift card holder and tea sample promotional mailer. ​​​​​​​

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