Hartwell Studio Works: Illustrated Instagram Campaign

Illustrated instagram campaign

My first quarter at Portfolio Center, I was a project lead for a live client project with Hartwell Studio Works. I led a team of illustrators to create a promotional holiday campaign promoting Hartwell's sports branding services. The concept was to show the daily instagram feed of an egg nog shop in the North Pole during baseball season. Santa's reindeer would make cameos, along with other easter eggs we tucked in the feed throughout the month of December. 

I worked with my partner, Kindall Palmer, to create an overarching story with small subplots that could be told through the medium of instagram. It was very rewarding work to develop the story and plan out how to sneak in clues about the characters and their lives with a single "spontaneous" image and short captions. We worked hard to craft illustrations reflecting the natural imagery that people place on instagram: table top shots, selfies, shoe pics, etc. Together we storyboarded over two dozen images, and then assigned images to different illustrators. 

I contributed 5 illustrations to the feed, and a 6th promotional "elfie selfie" for my personal instagram.  
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